In [ ]:
# imports
import os
import yaml
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import theano
import lasagne
import loading
from autoload_data import * # pulls in directory names and several views and functions on data
from training import *
from network import *
from experiments import *
import architectures as arches
import autoencoder as ae
# aliases
L = lasagne.layers
T = theano.tensor
Implementation note: the autoencoder object wraps a Theano graph. This graph can be divided into an encoder, which produces a vector of latent features, a decoder, which inverts the encoder to recover the original input, and a classifier, which produces a probability distribution over [0, 35].
The encoder is shared between the encoder+decoder (Autoencoder.autoencoder
) and the encoder+classifier (
), so once the enc+dec is trained (unsupervised), enc can have its weights fixed and enc+cla can be trained (supervised).
You could modify this (typical) scheme; just be aware that the encoder is shared by Autoencoder.autoencoder
. See
for example architecture,
for Autoencoder
implementation, and
for AutoencoderTrainer
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autoencoder = Autoencoder(ae.autoencoder) # initialize autoencoder obj
ae_trainer = AutoencoderTrainer(stopthresh=1, print_interval=1) # initialize trainer
ae_start_params = L.get_all_param_values(autoencoder.autoencoder) # cache starting parameters(move to network obj)
ae_trainer.train_autoencoder(autoencoder, np.concatenate(data[2])) # train autoencoder
ae_end_params = L.get_all_param_values(autoencoder.autoencoder) # cache trained params
autoencoder.freeze_params(exclude=list(range(-7, 0))) # set all params untrainable
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ae_trainer.stopthresh = 5
ae_trainer.print_interval = 20
net_list = ae_trainer.train_all(autoencoder, data=hvhdata, seed=984227) # train classifier
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names = ['a4', 'deep_c1', 'regular_c1'] # list network handles from arch_specs.yaml
run_tuned_experiment(names) # and awaaaay we go. see for implementation
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names = ['g1', 'g2', 'g4', 'h1', 'h2', 'h4']
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import scipy.signal as sig
filters = dict()
filters['h'] = np.ones(4)[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
filters['v'] = np.ones(4)[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :]
filters['d'] = np.eye(4)[np.newaxis, :, :]
filters['u'] = np.fliplr(np.eye(4))[np.newaxis, :, :]
class GameState(object):
Unless otherwise indicated, "state" should be a (1, 2, 4, 9) tensor,
with first channel representing OWN pieces (NOT black!)
Would it better to have this as a stateless thing with class methods?
def init(self, state):
self.state = state
self.color = self.get_color()
self.terminal = self.terminal_check()
def get_color(self):
if (self.state.sum() % 2) == 0:
return 0
return 1
def update(self, move):
new_state = self.state.copy()
coords = np.unravel_index(move, (4, 9))
new_state[0, coords[0], coords[1]] = 1
return GameState(new_state[:, ::-1, :, :]) # invert channels!
def terminal_check(self):
if state.sum() == 36:
return 'draw'
for dim, fil in filters.items():
filter_response = sig.convolve(self.state, fil, mode='valid')
if np.where(filter_response>=4)[0].size > 0:
return 'win'
return False
class RLTrainer(object):
Unless otherwise indicated, "gstate" should be a GameState object
def init(self, reward=1000, batchsize=100):
self.reward = reward
self.batchsize = batchsize
def choose_move(self, network, gstate):
policy = network.output_fn(gstate.state)
return np.random.choice(36, p=policy)
def play_game(self, network, gstate):
choices = []
states = [gstate.state]
next_state = gstate
while not next_state.terminal:
action = self.choose_move(network, next_state)
next_state = next_state.update(action)
return choices, states
def play_batch(self, network):
initial_state = np.zeros((1, 2, 4, 9))
choice_history = []
state_history = []
for i in range(batchsize):
c, s = play_game(self, network, gstate)
return choice_history, state_history
def compute_reward(self, choices):
if len(choices) == 36:
return 0
if (len(choices) % 2) == 1:
return 1
return -1
def convert_data(self, choice_history, state_history):
To dos here:
- compute outcome of each game (0 for draw, 1 for black win, -1 for white)
- tile those outcomes but alternating:
a game that has 10 moves ended in a win for white, so all EVEN locations
in vector should be +1 and all ODD locations should be -1
vice versa for a game with odd moves
- convert each set of choices and states in respective histories to
np arrays (n_games x whatev dims)
- LATER: figure out how to pass array of outcomes to network update function!
outcomes = [self.compute_reward(choices) for choices in choice_history]
return None
Fit best networks on fake data
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In [ ]:
dafiname = os.path.join(datadir, '0 (with groups).csv')
subject_data = [loading.default_loader(dafiname, subject=s) for s in range(40)]
arch = archs[archname]
In [ ]:
print([len(s[0]) for s in subject_data])
In [ ]:
for i in range(5):
pafiname = '{} {} split agg fit exp 1-4.npz'.format(archname, i)
prenet = Network(arch)
prenet.load_params(os.path.join(paramsdir, pafiname))
params = L.get_all_param_values(
print('PREFIT {}\n'.format(i))
for s in range(40):
sdata = subject_data[s]
num_obs = len(sdata[0])
bs = num_obs//5
tuner = FineTuner(stopthresh=10, batchsize=bs)
print('SUBJECT {}\n'.format(s))
for j in range(5):
fname = '{} {} agg fit exp 1-4 {} subject {} tune fit exp 0'.format(archname, i, s, j)
net = tuner.train_all(architecture=arch, data=sdata, split=j, startparams=params, freeze=True)
net.save_params(os.path.join(paramsdir, fname))
In [ ]:
datafilenames = ['0 (with groups)', '1 (with computer)', '2 (with computer)', '3 (with computer)', '4']
datafilenames = [os.path.join(datadir, fname + '.csv') for fname in datafilenames]
colnames = ['subject', 'color', 'bp', 'wp', 'zet', 'rt']
e0 = pd.read_csv(datafilenames[0], names=colnames+['splitno'])
e1 = pd.read_csv(datafilenames[1], names=colnames)
e2 = pd.read_csv(datafilenames[2], names=colnames)
e3 = pd.read_csv(datafilenames[3], names=colnames+['task', 'taskorder', 'session'])
e4 = pd.read_csv(datafilenames[4], names=colnames+['timecondition'])
Es = [e1, e2, e3, e4]
for i, e in enumerate(Es[1:]):
e['subject'] = e['subject'] + Es[i-1].loc[Es[i-1]['subject']<1000, 'subject'].max()
A = pd.concat([e[colnames] for e in [e1, e2, e3, e4]])
groups = np.arange(len(A))%5 + 1
A['group'] = groups
A.to_csv(os.path.join(datadir, '1-4.csv'), encoding='ASCII', header=False, index=False)
A.loc[A['subject']<1000, :].to_csv(
os.path.join(datadir, '1-4 (no computer).csv'),
encoding='ASCII', header=False, index=False
In [ ]:
# this is for another training scheme, using preassigned groups in both hvh and other data
bulkdata_df = pd.concat([data[0], hvhdata[0]])
bulkdata_df.to_csv(os.path.join(datadir, 'bulk.csv'), index=False, header=False)
bulkdata = loading.default_loader(os.path.join(datadir, 'bulk.csv'))
Add groups to fake data
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fd_ = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(datadir, 'fake news.csv'), names=['subject', 'color', 'bp', 'wp', 'zet', 'rt'])
groups = np.arange(len(fd_)) % 5 + 1
fd_['group'] = groups
fd_.to_csv(os.path.join(datadir, 'fake news (with groups).csv'), encoding='ASCII', header=False, index=False)